Friday, March 27, 2015

Apologia Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics

Kon'nichiwa! Today we'll be using a different Apologia book! Olivia is using Physical Science, but I, Lydia, am using Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics. We'll be through Chemistry and Physics, and picking out special activities that we want to share with you guys!
Let's start!

  1. First, we'll be doing an experiment, with explanations, on p. 103. This experiment is about inertia in movement! The materials that you will need are:  a paper plate, a glass of water, a raw egg, an empty toilet paper tube, and a smooth flat surface to do the experiment on. 
  2. Second, we'll be doing another experiment, from page 115. This experiment is about gravitational pull. The materials that you will need are: two pieces of paper, and a chair.
  3. The next experiment is a variation of the experiment on p. 122. It revolves around centripetal force. The materials you will need are: some marbles or golf balls, and a pail or basket.
Let's get started! Here are our videos for theses experiments... please watch them, and let us know what you think!


Monday, March 23, 2015

Apologia Physical Science--Lesson 2, Module 10

Hallo, guys! It's Olydia again!
Today we're doing a lesson on Newton's Laws of Motion. In case you didn't know, there are three laws that all motion follows. We'll be covering all three of these, with additional videos, explain the laws, in case you don't understand. The three laws are:

  • An object in motion (or at rest) will tend to stay in motion (or at rest) unless acted upon by an outside force.
  • When an object is acted upon by one or more outside forces the total force is equal to the mass of  an object times the resulting acceleration.
  • For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Let's start!

Newton's first law. If you start rolling a ball, the ball will keep rolling unless you make it stop, by touching it, or putting something in front of it to make it stop. It will also be stopped by friction if the surface that it is rolling on contains it.

Newton's second law. If you push a block of stone, friction slows you down but if you get your friend to help you by pulling it, it will cancel out the friction.

Newton's third law. If you push your friend, they will fall in the direction you pushed them but you will also be pushed back in the opposite direction. (Granted, you probably wont fall because you are better balanced but you'll have to brace yourself.)

I think that's all we have for today! Comment if you have any questions, or if you didn't understand anything. Thank's for reading!


p.s.-- videos will come soon! -Olydia

Apologia Physical Science--Lesson 1, Module 9

Hola, guys! Olydia (Olivia and Lydia) here! We're starting a blog explaining lessons from our science textbook. which is Apologia's Exploring Creation with Physical Science.
Today's lesson is from Module 9: Motion. The lessons that we will explain are:

  • What is motion?
  • What is force?
  • What is position?
  • Is all motion relative?
  • What is speed?
  • What is velocity?
  • What is acceleration?
  • What is free fall?

Let's get started!

1. What is motion? Let's give an example. There is a piece of cake five feet away. You want to eat that cake, so you walk over to the cake, and eat it. That is motion. Motion is an object's movement.

2. What is force? Force is the push or pull of an object. Here's an example. You're trying out for baseball. You need to throw the ball, which requires force. It takes force for you to release the ball, in order for it, in turn, to to fly where you want it.

3. What is position? Position is the location of an object. If the position is moving, then the object is in motion. If there's a bowl of fruit in front of you, to you, it isn't moving, right? But if there was a man in space, to him, the bowl of fruit is moving, because the earth is rotating.

4. Is all motion relative? Yes all motion is relative, because of reference point. Go back to the bowl of fruit. You are the reference point. The man in space is also his reference point.

5. What is speed? Speed is how fast an object is moving. The equation for speed is speed= distance/time.

6. What is velocity? Velocity is speed with direction. If an airplane was flying it has to be flying in a certain direction, like north, south, east, or west. The equation for velocity is the same as speed, just add direction.

7. What is acceleration? Back to the baseball. If you threw it up in the air, you're not just using force, you're also using acceleration. Acceleration is the increase of velocity. The equation for acceleration is acceleration= final velocity - initial velocity/ time.

8. What is free fall? Free fall is when an object is moving without any force, only gravity. Think of an apple falling off of a tree. You aren't yanking it off of the tree, gravity just pulls it down.

I think that's all we have for today. Our next lesson will follow Module 10, and it will be about Newton's 3 laws of motion.

