Friday, March 27, 2015

Apologia Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics

Kon'nichiwa! Today we'll be using a different Apologia book! Olivia is using Physical Science, but I, Lydia, am using Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics. We'll be through Chemistry and Physics, and picking out special activities that we want to share with you guys!
Let's start!

  1. First, we'll be doing an experiment, with explanations, on p. 103. This experiment is about inertia in movement! The materials that you will need are:  a paper plate, a glass of water, a raw egg, an empty toilet paper tube, and a smooth flat surface to do the experiment on. 
  2. Second, we'll be doing another experiment, from page 115. This experiment is about gravitational pull. The materials that you will need are: two pieces of paper, and a chair.
  3. The next experiment is a variation of the experiment on p. 122. It revolves around centripetal force. The materials you will need are: some marbles or golf balls, and a pail or basket.
Let's get started! Here are our videos for theses experiments... please watch them, and let us know what you think!


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