Monday, March 23, 2015

Apologia Physical Science--Lesson 2, Module 10

Hallo, guys! It's Olydia again!
Today we're doing a lesson on Newton's Laws of Motion. In case you didn't know, there are three laws that all motion follows. We'll be covering all three of these, with additional videos, explain the laws, in case you don't understand. The three laws are:

  • An object in motion (or at rest) will tend to stay in motion (or at rest) unless acted upon by an outside force.
  • When an object is acted upon by one or more outside forces the total force is equal to the mass of  an object times the resulting acceleration.
  • For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Let's start!

Newton's first law. If you start rolling a ball, the ball will keep rolling unless you make it stop, by touching it, or putting something in front of it to make it stop. It will also be stopped by friction if the surface that it is rolling on contains it.

Newton's second law. If you push a block of stone, friction slows you down but if you get your friend to help you by pulling it, it will cancel out the friction.

Newton's third law. If you push your friend, they will fall in the direction you pushed them but you will also be pushed back in the opposite direction. (Granted, you probably wont fall because you are better balanced but you'll have to brace yourself.)

I think that's all we have for today! Comment if you have any questions, or if you didn't understand anything. Thank's for reading!


p.s.-- videos will come soon! -Olydia

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